Warren Falcon Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Autumn Haiku

Ars Poetica Redux

Dying trees easily fall..
Poems, too, as they should.
Dead wood rots from which
One good poem may grow,

Brittle Goes The Bone

for Anthros Del Mar

The animal we are
reserves just rights

Ellipses For The Newly Dead Come To Ground


An ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, 'omission' or 'falling short') is a series of dots (typically three, such as "…") that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning. - from Wikipedia

Lovers Jump To Death From Burning Building

From late night collapse of limes rum
lovers leap to death in each others arms.
Upon the sill they lean resigned,
dead calm revolving in a yellow light.

The Case For Love As Storm

for Crimson Love

This can only go well.

That Salt Adheres

for Karthik

that salt adheres to the palm
proclaiming only this

Stealing Circus Hours - Nocturne

And I was desolate and sick of an old passion - Ernest Dowson

It's got to do with America,
my love of music, my grotesque loneliness... - Henry Miller

'To Better The Feathered Choirs' - For Kostas Galanis

improv-ed rough, riffed, quick translations from a longer poem
in progress - 'to better the feathered choirs' for Kostas Galanis whose name means

Kostas = 'constant/steadfast'

Abandoned Train Station Near Grandmother's Grave

for Lida Harris

Then died there the rose beside the house of tin.

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