Twins Poem by Jim Yerman


Rating: 4.0

I was born and raised in Twinsburg, Ohio…the city known for twins…
So whenever I hear a story about them…I have to listen in…

Two four year old girls from Miami…as different as night and day
hail from two unconnected families…but say they're twins in every way.

They've been friends since they were two years old…true their birthdays are two days apart…
but they believe they are each other's twin…in their souls and in their hearts.

Here's a little cautionary note…if you don't want to ‘take one on the chin'
Don't tell these girls, who aren't even sisters, there's no way they can be twins.

"Oh, yes we are! " They smile…and simultaneously respond….
And who are we to assume we understand…their special kind of bond.

If we were to prove to these two girls they've not been twin sisters all along…
although we might be scientifically correct…I believe in principle…we'd be wrong.

Given the similar way we humans are born…the way we're all created…
Is it that hard to believe, as these two girls have shown, that we are all related?

We don't need actual genetic proof that you're my sister…you're my brother
every human on this planet is related to each other.

We could learn a lesson from these two four year olds …
Their innocent wisdom we should extol…
They've ignored their differences in appearance…
and found a connection in their souls.

Wouldn't the world be a wonderful place to live…Imagine the love that would arise
If we all possessed the capability…of seeing the world through these little girls eyes?

Hate might finally be defeated…love would win…and win…and win
If everywhere we looked in life…we found another twin …

It's true what they say about children…of this there is no doubt…
When we try to teach them all about life…
they teach us…what life is all about!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: children,innocence,twins
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