Twin Beams Of Light Poem by Dan McGonagle

Twin Beams Of Light

Twin beams of Light penetrate the night air
Reminding us all of the towers that stood there
Recalling an icon...a glimpse of the past
The grief of a nation...the shadow it cast

It sparked off a war that would cost many lives
Brought terror among us killed husbands and wives
Children left lonely...their parents now gone
How long must we wait until this war's done

Young men and women bright futures ahead
Laid their all on the altar of war and bloodshed
This is the price that those souls have all paid
Their deaths must bring victory after all that's been said

Let us all say a prayer that will bring us real peace
Let us all give our hearts so that mourning will cease
Let us all take a moment to count up the cost
Is it worth all the lives of the children we've lost

As the bright morning sun on that day will arise
Will September 11th wipe the tears from our eyes
Will the bugle be called outside heavens gate
Will our loved ones be there in their spiritual state

I hope that it does and I hope that they do
I pray that my words bring a blessing to you
I ask that your pain be taken away
That your heart holds the memories before that dark day

Dan McGonagle

Dan McGonagle

Dumbarton, Scotland
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