Trophy Poem by Lance K...


Stop those tears and hold your breath
get ready to stare down death
take it like a man don't look back
just floor the pedal she ain't there
hit it crash like an attack
even when others can't bear
you did it for her and her only, something
but without her your nothing
look at the trophy through the glass
try to shatter it and you'll feel the mass
of your torn heart as you pull back the bloody fist
that the guard hit as he leans for a kiss
there's the trophy failure again just quit
it'll never happen for you warring to get bit
thats all that comes from compassion and lust
or love that you extend you might as well cuss
and bang your head until the ache is gone and your mind busts
just walk in the rain in shame hold your hand let it out
stream the tears scream aloud scream and shout
run until your out of breath
do what you wouldn't do
cause she is never gonna do it for you
don't even look back at the kiss, love, and happiness
cause you'll only feel even more worthless
just do whats best
don't rest and clean up your mess
its all you can do
no one can do it for you
nothing you can do
spit out your blood and live like your not there
cause she'll never care
like the way you do
you know its true.

Lance K...

Lance K...

Fort Worth, Tx
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