Étrange Prince Poem by Aphrodite Anastasia Menegaki

Étrange Prince

I got a chance to hear his voice sing a song
It was a song of two lovers who felt something strong
It was a story from long so very long ago
Hidden like all Paris' secrets you'll never know
Étrange prince, prête-moi un moment avec toi
Étrange prince, hear my little whisper, embrasse-moi
Laisse nos secrets se cacher dans la pluie de Paris
Mon premier amour, je ramènerai le soleil dans ta vie

I got a chance to hear his voice sing a song
It was a song of two lovers who felt something strong
It was a story from long so very long ago
Hidden like all Paris' secrets you'll never know
And I wonder in the echo of my secret and his name
Can a wish above the Seine light for me his flame
Étrange prince, pense à moi cette soir
Écris avec tes lèvres et ton étreinte, notre histoire

Étrange Prince
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: art,dream,love,paris,poem,prince,song,story,wish
Daniel Brick 10 August 2017

I don't speak French. I only know Latin and English. I've spent my whole life learning English and I have much still to learn; Shakespeare alone is a mighty River of Poetry, Truth and Wonder. // One of my former students gives me credit for his love of Shakespeare, which makes me proud; he was a classics student whomlrstned ancient Greek and is himself his teacher of the ILIAD: everyday he translates and memorizes another passage - he has reached Book Three and has recited whole passages to me. It gives me joy that the student has surpassed the teacher! ! Because Homer is the Father of western poetry and the ancient Greeks show us how to live with hope, pride, excellence, glory. But you know this already; it is your birthright - cherish and expand it. WHEN YOU START ON YOUR JOURNEY TO ITHACA, PRAY THAT THE JOURNEY BE LONG, RICH IN ADVENTURE, RICH IN DISCOVERY. Cavafy

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I couldn't agree more with your words! You described Shakespeare so perfectly! ! I grew up with Homer's Iliad! It is so lovely to read your words regarding Homer! Thank you so very very much for your wonderful and encouraging words! ! Thank you! ! And I love this quote by Cavafy! Thank you, truly! !

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