Tradgedy Of A Peanut Poem by Behind Blue Eyes

Tradgedy Of A Peanut

Rating: 4.0

I couldn't stand on my own 2 feet,
I was so hopeless and alone,
So I asked God to walk with me,
For I couldn't do it on my own.

Instead he placed you in my path,
You spoke words only I could hear,
'Have Courage my little Warrior',
'For there is nothing left to fear'.

'Hope and faith brought me here, '
Was all I could manage to speak,
'God must have told you where I was',
'He must have told you I was weak'.

'Actually, it is you who was sent to me',
Said the beautiful soul to my heart,
'I was afraid to walk this path alone',
'Because I didn't know where to start'

God obviously has a bigger plan,
That he placed us side by side,
Gave us a special kind of Love,
Like one that gets 'baked inside'.

I saw the heart beat 2 weeks ago,
Tears of joy filled up my eyes,
The most euphoric rush I've ever felt,
Our 'little peanut' was a surprise.

How quickly my joy has turned into fear,
Thoughts of 'failing' now flood my days,
What if I can't get myself back on track? ,
I feel like I might NEVER regain my ways.

I have made many mistakes in my life,
The hard way is the only way I learn,
I can't afford to screw this chance up,
When God blessed me with my turn.

The greatest gift that anyone could know,
Has me fighting to get through my Hell,
The Devil is trying to hold me here,
Again I pray for God to make me well.

Than a voice calls from the shadows,
A familiar face to me appears,
It's the angel I met on my path,
The one who soothed my fears.

'Have Courage my Little Warrior',
'You don't have to do this on your own',
'God has placed you on my path',
'For you will never again be alone'.


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