Towards You Poem by Shaharyaar Kamaal Siddiqui

Towards You

Rating: 5.0

A self-imposed exile from love's territory,
Shutting out grains of sunlight,
Rendering myself untouchable,
In bounded, fortified high walls,
Nursing and licking wounds,
With echoes of silence,
One day fine, spell of draught broke,
Love drops drenched my cracked up soul,
Seeping, running and mixing with blood,
Minutes and seconds tinted with love azure,
My breaths carrying your name, fragrant and misty,
Now, I see you, feel you, and keep you,
With me, like roses found amidst pages of books,
Like a secret unspoken to the world,
Rivers of my existence, as if, on a sojourn to meet high seas,
Ever and ever, I move towards you,
Like a prodigal homebound,
Lost and vanquished,
Through days and nights,
I pen, lore of love, small or grand,
Of you, of nights that lay between us,
Of dreams strung and tied to you,
Like a man possessed,
Like a child with dreamy trips to a fairy land.
Ever and ever, I inch towards you..!

©- Shaharyaar

Towards You
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Nosheen Irfan 26 April 2016

What a beautiful piece of writing..that's a really powerful expression of love. Very poetic n heart-touching.

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Gratitude Nosheen.. for your valuable comments..! Deeply humbled..!

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