Too Short Poem by Lawrence s. Makola

Too Short

At 10: 00 I said I do
My brains acclimatized to the world
Where everything taken a new word
That transformed me from boyish place
Left me in a total different race

The clock ticked, it was 15: 00
Dressed in wonderful clothes
Paraded the village streets
With smiles glowing on our faces
Ostentation good for an Oscar

My mother was happy I did it
Her mother was afraid she will blow it
My friends celebrated with joy
Her friends were disorientated during the day

Time waits no man, it was 18: 00
Everyone went back to their holes
I waited while I was alone
Expecting to share my single bed with her
But my eyes saw that she wasn’t there

At 20: 00 I was called out
The minute movement I made
My eyes summoned a strike
Not to allow my tears to cascade
Down the smooth innocent face

My eyes believed not
My wife striding one leg out
The car not even my father owned
Letting all my wishes and dreams down

She headed straight to me
In hand clasp my ring
That I gave with love
Now returning it with hatred

Her ex was long gone
The now backsliding to spoil
The joyous day of my life
Leaving me gasping for breath

It was 20: 15 when she disappeared
Into darkness with red lights following
The sign that said she is gone
No more will I see her move
Too short my marriage lasted

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