Tony Walsh - This Is For You! Poem by Jacson Gelato

Tony Walsh - This Is For You!

Immeasurable grief within those homes
uncontrollable pain within those hearts
as those loved departed so abruptly
in the arms of death forever to rest
not by age, not by tragedy bereft
but by terror so adrift at that moment
when joy was music and songs their delight;
unsuspectingly they walked out and right into
the end of their time on earth they slipped;
and though they had feet to run, to escape
unaware, they were caught by fate's action
when a bomb exploded concluding their tomorrows of life.
Many assembled for a vigil, to mourn those lives
many words were spoken, many words heard, a poem
swaying people's emotions, swaying people's feelings
praising city's achievement, not relevant to grief
in the action one gaining extensive popularity
is this what sympathy expects - an apathy?
When those homes so sullen with sorrow deep
how much can one choose to speak of words so unconnected to grief,
so callous in relevance which offer no condolences
but beseeching honor, pomp for a place and it's significance
when frozen and silenced are the lips of those who demised
awaiting burial, awaiting to be laid to final rest,
when those who were injured in hospitals writhed,
when families grieved in their homes with no rest, no sleep?
had you to be in their shoes
and faced the loss of someone you loved
would you concur to hear such praises and gather pride
over tales of endeavors and achievements of your city?
Would those words of grandeur be of any worth to you
if grief would have held the reins of your own heart
and made it pound with memories and tears?
Would your tongue ever choose to speak of greatness
would your ears ever want to hear of any greatness
if grief had over-cast it's shadow over your own home?
Will you be able to walk that street, that corner of the city
without recollecting of the innocent who perished;
will you be forget that night
when you will hear of any music concert in your city
and not recall of those cries of young girls and boys
who lost their lives
when a bomber stood outside and compelled them to die?
How could your city could not perceive and prevent that
when you say your city has achieved so much?

Tony Walsh - This Is For You!
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: bereavement,grief
Words of Courage should come in true sense.

'To everyone, each one's city is precious
To each one, each family member is a treasure, whether alive or dead'.

Grief is very personal and deserves its independent respect without
any attributions irrelevant to its aspect.

Grief is not show-biz.
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