To The Nice Girls Poem by Crystal Johnson

To The Nice Girls

Rating: 5.0

This is for the nice girls that are overlooked,
Who become friends and nothing more.
Who spend hours trying to fix their personality,
Their looks, and their actions because obviously it must be that they are doing something wrong.

This is for the girls who don't give themselves up on the first date.
Who don't want to play mind games,
And who provide a comforting hug and a supportive audience for a story they've heard a thousand times.

This is for the girls who understand that they aren't perfect, and neither are the guys that they are interested in.
For the girls that obsess over the slightest glance, whisper, and touch, because somehow they are able to keep the hope alive that maybe he actually understands this time.

To the girls who laugh loud and often, who are comfortable in skirts AND sweats.
To the girls that care more than they should about a guy that doesn't even deserve their attention.

This is for the girls that have been in the trenches,
Who have watched other girls time and time again,
Fake up, make up, and mess up the guys in their lives without saying a word.

This is for the girls who have spent their weekends on the sidelines of a Beer Bong Tournament, playing Florence Nightingale for a vomiting guy, a wasted friend, or a comatose crush.
To the girls that have recieved drunk phone calls just before dawn from a person who doesn't care enough to invite them to their party, but is still willing to pass out in their bed.

This is for the girls who have left sad song lyrics in their away message,
Who have tried to dropp their male friend hint after hint, only to watch him chase after the first easy girl in a skirt.

This is for the girls that have been told they are too good,
Too smart, or too pretty.
Who have been given compliments as a way of breaking off a relationship, and have been told that they are only wanted as a friend.

This is for the girls you can take home to Mom, but won't because it's easier to sleep with her than to foster a relationship.
This is for the girls who have been led on by many words, kisses, and touches. All of which were never true, or only true for a moment.

This is for the girls who have had their hearts broken and their hopes dashed by someone too cavalier to even care in the first place.
This is for the nights spent disecting every word and syllable in his speech, for the nights when you've returned home alone, for the night you saw him across the room standing a little too close, talking a little too softly, and leaning in a little too near the girl that he's trying to produce as a random hook-up.

This is for the girls who have endured part after part in his presence, finally realizing that it wasn't that he didn't want a was just that he didn't want you.
This is for the nights that you comforted him,
Thinking that maybe if you held him just right, or said the right words, or even rubbed his back the right way,
Then perhaps he'd realize what it was that he already had.

This is for the moment that you realized it would never happen, and for the sinrise you saw the next morning after falling asleep.
This is for the 'I really like you, so lets still be friends' comment you recieved after looking more into the situation.
This is for never realizing that when you choose your friends,
You seldom choose the ones that make you cry yourself to sleep.

This is for the hug you recieved from your female friends.
For the nights they reassured you that you are beautiful and intelligent, and just as amazing as anyone could be.
This is for the despair you felt as you sat in the aftermath of your tears,
Knowing that all you had for companionship that night was a pillow and a teddy bear.

This is for the girls who have been used and abused. Who have endured what he was giving, because at least he was giving something.
This is for the times you believed that something was better than nothing, though this 'something' wasn't anything we would have wanted.

This is for the girls who have been satisfied with too little and who have learned to never expect anything more.
For the girls who don't think they deserve more because they've been conditioned for so long to accept the scraps thrown to them by guys.

This is for the nice girls who guys never seem to appreciate when they're young.
This is for the nice girls that become strong, beautiful, independant women that men who never grow up would die for.

You know who you are, and this is for you.

Amanda Siecinski 16 July 2006

wow - that was an awesome poem and so totally true.. i love it <33 love, amanda <3

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Scarlett Treat 15 May 2006

Crystal, this is a very powerful poem, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. That last verse should give every young LADY (notice I call them ladies, not girls) hope that she can finally grow up out of this childish behavior from powerful that last verse should show them to truly. truly be, for being strong enough to hold out for the PRIZE that is worth it all-their own self-respect! Wonderfully written, good going, keep it up.

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Mary Nagy 15 May 2006

Crystal, I love this. I love that you are trying to empower these girls. I hope you realize there is a difference between being a ''nice'' girl and a ''pushover''. I hope you see that guys might be looking for an easy girl right now (way too young for that anyways!) but when they start looking around for a girl to get serious sure won't one of those girls that they found so easy before. It really is worth waiting for. Trust me. You are worth waiting for. Once you find yourself, love will find you. Take care Crystal. Love, Mary

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Crystal Johnson

Crystal Johnson

Maury County, Tennessee
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