To The Lonely Souls Poem by Vevonulu Choo

To The Lonely Souls

O! Why do you cry for?
Oh my soul
Why do you always cry?
Its like mourning was made for you
Are you still not enough for crying?
Look at the sun and smile
Look at the moon and think
Look at the stars and count
You have many a reason to smile
Many a reason to think and count
Think of your blessings and give praise
Count your blessings and rejoice
If others can smile, why not you?
If others can be happy, why not you?
If others can rejoice, why not you?
You have all the reasons to smile
All the reasons to be happy
All the reasons to rejoice
None is stopping you
Its only you who refuses
Whats stopping you?
You have all the rights
Are you scared?
If you smile you light up the whole universe
Are you scared?
If you are happy you might turn the world upside down
Are you scared?
If you rejoice the whole world rejoice with you
There's nothing to be scared about
For you are made freely to enjoy
As long as you want
As long as you wish
As long as you live
For none can steal that from you
If you willed to be.

Prasad Sing 16 October 2016

I hope I could get hope to enjoy my life from your verse.....

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Abrar Ajaz Wani 16 October 2016

I love the simplicity in your verses... You speak so coherently as alike you are passing a thread through a needle...

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