Tired Poem by Robin Rodriguez


Life has burned me out,
Though others may not see,
Life passes right on through me.
I might as well not be.

The rain is pouring over me,
As I look down at your resting place.
The rain mixes with my tears.
My hair curls into ringlets
And I remember...

We had this crazy connection
We laughed our way through life.
Then suddenly my world crashed.
Adn you only tried to help.

Like a fool I pushed you away,
And hid in my own version of Hell.
Never thinking of you.
My hand raised and ready,
Suddenly falling.
My eyes blankly staring,
Then you were there and bleeding.

I put my arms around you
Said everything was going to be fine.
You looked up and asked,
'How are you, doll? '

The smile so genuine,
Had no sharp edges.
My tears spilled over;
You wiped them away.

You survived my fall;
You became my impervious wall
My protector, defender, and world.
All the while you were
Protecting me,
I failed to see yours.

Then you left me
With nothing but a note.
One that said it wasn't my fault.
I was the one thing that made
Your life so much better.
You said not to worry,
That everything would be fine.
You said not to be angry.

Angry with myself or him
One question I never
Never wanted answered.
You spent yourlife
Protecting me.

Without my shield
I floundered alone, lost
I never got to say goodbye,
I never gave proper thanks.

I took you for granted
Assured you would
Always be at my side.
Together we were
A deadly force
Ready to take on the
World and everyone else.

I finally found my way;
I haven't found my peace.
One day I will forgive
Myself all the wrongs
That I did.
But not now.

Two friends meant to
Be together forever
Bound by similarities
And needs,
Tragedy tore apart.

I touch your grave
And fade away.
The grey sky will leave;
My sorrow lighten;
Just know you will never
Leave my heart
Just as I will never leave you.

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