Time Poem by maria rahman


Rating: 3.5

Can someone give time the wings and pass this night fast?

This is hurting me now

and hurting a lott!

My eyes never cried for so long,

My hands never shivered so vigourously,

My breath never hurdeled like that,

My head never ached so…

I m incomplete!

I was incomplete, ,

Somebody stole that smile of my face!

Somebody stole that calm in my nights,

which used to be there

With me, all the time!

Never left me,

In lurch! in dark!

In the midst of my way..!

This night!

O my lord!

Carrying a burden of tons over it..

This quietness!

This ticking of clock!

Seems terrible!

Like …

Waiting for some storm to come! !

Or, the end!

And then…

After some noise…

Everything will be fit and fine

Every night calm and quiet


Somebody give time the wings and pass this night fast!

So that

These eyes could shine again!

This dark could leave!

This fuss! these unordered lines could end!

And a wind could blow!

To take along all the mess with it!

Leaving behind …

This heart and its joy!

This face and its smile!

This me and my satisfaction!

Menime Soul..'d' Ugliloner 27 November 2011

Absolutely brilliant write...i'm really impressed of your writing skills.

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Ashraful Musaddeq 07 September 2008

'Can someone give time the wings and pass this night fast? ' The whole emotional composition is rather the sounds of experience, whatever may be, I enjoyed this and added my 10 to it.

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This dark could leave! This fuss! these unordered lines could end! And a wind could blow! To take along all the mess with it! A compost heap very beautifully arranged

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