Tide, Rising Poem by Seamus O' Brian

Tide, Rising

Rating: 5.0

There is a hunger down in the channels
of my being, somewhere aground
on the tidal shoals of my inward currents,
the slack tide lapping against some
obstruction, some indefinable mass
rocking slightly in the wavering
uncertainty of who I am,
razored edge of barnacle masses,
clumping about protrusions of
regret and guilt, spiking the silt,
touching some raw, living layer
with each shifting wave, sending
vibrations of visceral discomfort
throughout my being, as if the edge
of today was some probing point
set to discover the cavitary decay
of all my tomorrows.

A tattered sail flutters from this
sand-barred ship, each snap
of the torn edge speaks my name
to the winds sent to devour this
inefficient composition of dust
and soul, and my futility dissolves
as the silt reclaims the ship upon
whose stern my name once belonged.

And the rising tide carries away
the memory of a voyage once
imagined, once attempted, yet
forever remembered as mine.

Thursday, December 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,regret
Annette Aitken 27 December 2016

Your descriptive words are quite powerful. I could feel the pain and discomfort of the barnacles. Very nice write. Annette

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Seamus O Brian 27 December 2016

Hi, Annette. With time, I hope to outgrow the consequences of my younger mistakes, but many of them are still pretty sharp. Thanks, dear, for your ever thoughtful comments. :) S

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Vincent Feliciano 23 December 2016

After the more than generous words you left on my poems I came to see what you've writ and this is the first of yours I've ever read and it is truly high level word imagery. If your others are like this, I'll be following your poetry here for sure. Refreshing to read good poetry here.

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Soumita Sarkar 22 December 2016

poem has all the imagery of a tattered soul....uneven but the journey of dream..unfulfiled yet keeps the desie alive to meet the dream......keep writing.

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Seamus O Brian 22 December 2016

Thank you, kind poet, for your encouraging and gracious comments. :)

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Seamus O' Brian

Seamus O' Brian

Galway, Ireland
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