Thunder Snow Poem by Cj Heck

Cj Heck

Cj Heck

Born in Columbus OH - living in Florida

Thunder Snow

Rating: 5.0

This morning as I awoke
and rubbed my eyes,
I sat up, startled by a sound
I had never heard in January.

I pulled aside the curtains
and looked out my window.
It was snowing.
It was too warm to snow,
nearly sixty degrees,
but it was snowing.

And then I heard it again.
I had heard of this phenomenon
but never before
had I experienced it.

I watched as a single flash
backlit the skeletal maples,
oaks and white birch.
In that brief instant,
I’m sure even the birds
stared up in awe and wonder.

In one brilliant streak
from the sky to the ground,
under dawn’s waning full moon,
amidst thunder and snow,
I suddenly realized,
it was a heavenly exclamation point.
God had spoken.

Scarlett Treat 20 February 2007

Now, you have told me of a thing that I did not know about, and that is THUNDER SNOW. I have heard the old expression - the devil is beating his wife - when it rains and the sun shines at the same time! ! I wonder what the devil is doing when it thurnders and snows at the same time? ? ? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? ? ?

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Cj Heck

Cj Heck

Born in Columbus OH - living in Florida
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