Thickly Thinning Through The Pendulum Of Life Poem by James Darwin Smith II

Thickly Thinning Through The Pendulum Of Life

Cold wind blowing
Winds of lost time
A presence for the worst
Locked in dimensional chaos

The sun ceases to exist here
Cobwebs all around
Dust somehow stagnant
Phantom breezes of icy memories
Frozen over into glacier embedded cries

Only Ravens can sense this atrocity
Mourning caws from the outside
Unknown sympathy they contrive
Crying for what was once living
That for which has unceremoniously died

Forever a mystery inside this paradox
This house painted in residual demise
Mooring by a sea of placid tranquillity
Only to be chaotic, distraught all from the inside

Only blackened senses can feel its burden
Burning peaks relating to what has been stuck in time
Mysterious to the living
For who walk dead, living in a blanketed life

Fear from the oblivious ones
Who cannot solve for which is right in front of their eyes
The unknown burdens them
So they close themselves to the truth
Only to open up for those who want to see them die from the inside

Who are the scary ones?
The ones who haunt endlessly in denial
Flesh wearing, Soul dissolving
Eaters of light
Owners monopolizing every existence graced pure with ethereal insight

What is the meaning of all of this?
Perhaps it is up for you to decide
Interpret at your own free will
True freedom comes deep within ones inner most sensitive side

Solve this haunting catastrophe
Then all will be just fine,
Everything with then be alight

Never lock innocence inside Pandora’s Box
Celebrate the pureness for which survives
Never kill another’s heart all because you hate being alone, within
Living life one internal death at a time

Does this all still seem too mysterious in its own design?
Just live exuberant with patience, Bide your own sacred time

Was this really a haunting after all?
Interpret this on your own free will
Never live a life in spite
Of another’s pain created by your own hubris delirium
Personal Poltergeists can only exist in one’s own delusional strife

Find the warmth that blow
In the light that shines eternally bright

Wherever you are whatever you believe in
With a positive mind-set
All will indeed be alright

The haunting never leaves
It is always there resting for another fight
Do what you have to do,
It is up to you to set everything right

May your faith act as a knife
Stabbing the wrath of self-doubt
Upon the essence of a cold and dreary dismay

Warm winds blowing
Winds of a newfound faith
Peacefully living in freedom
Being true to the identity of one selves balanced pride

No one can take away your own soul
Never let anyone buy your whole existence
We own ourselves, we create our own light

Prosper within, Look far ahead
Dreams seem so hard to achieve

We are supposed to struggle
As our struggles make us stronger so we can enjoy a more fulfilled life

Even I must put words into action
As I strive for, to better my own life

All will be better, Somehow, Someway
My heart, my mind, my senses all say this is so

Where do I, We go from here?

Written on 4/1/13 I started writing this out through the imagery of my imagination but then I started to write from my heart. So here you have this creation
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