The Zulu King [rev.] Poem by Margaret Alice Second

The Zulu King [rev.]

Living in South Africa is a balance between pros
and cons, the state is criminal; it has never been
otherwise, just as it is almost everywhere - only
overseas criminals are the more adept & better
organised; apartheid villains risked privileges by
relegating blacks to slave labour, risked Africa's
masses destroying everything, including gifts of
colonial origin, even food production, against

An open democracy versus anarchy; risked the
whole country's destruction by violating human
rights - they made all descendants pay for such
profligacy surrendering to an uneducated gang
of criminals they created in refusing to provide a
basic human right of education; former apartheid
rulers orchestrated this political situation ensuring
the state's new masters had no knowledge, no

Philosophical basis or world politics insight when
they took government; a white minority visualised
war in which rich people fled leaving the masses
to completely destroy the country so Africa would
have to start again, disadvantaged moreso than
today where technological gifts remain - though
systematically destroyed by not being maintained

Politicians forced to choose between pros and
cons of conflagration - killing white tribe now or
dying slowly like the rest of Africa - the Mandela
choice chose forgiveness, reconciliation and a
compromise to save everyone, to recommence
politics with the know-how & technology of their
former suppressors - then Jacob Zuma became
the Zulu King, destroying South Africa to start

A new Zulu nation without any aid from former
colonialists: now it's up to a hard-working middle-
class to decide how they will survive - remember
it's a game of pros and cons - the unconditional-
love-approach espoused by religions does not
exist in politics


Life is a balance between pros and cons, the
South African state is criminal, it has never
been otherwise just as it is almost everywhere,
only the criminals overseas are more adept, more
organised - the apartheid criminals risked their
privileges by relegating blacks to slave labour
against Africa's masses destroying everything,
gifts from colonial origin, even food production

Against an open democracy and anarchy; risked
destroying the whole country by violating human
rights and they made their descendants pay for their
profligacy by surrendering to the group of uneducated
criminals they have created as they refused access to
the basic human right of education for everyone; the
former apartheid masters of South Africa orchestrated
the current political situation by making sure

The new masters of South Africa have no knowledge,
no philosophical basis and understanding of world
politics before they took over government, the white
minority visualised a great war in which rich people
fled and left the rest to destroy the country completely
so the Africans would have to start again with a greater
disadvantage than today where technological gifts still
remain - though being systematically destroyed by

Lack of maintenance; politicians were forced to choose
between the pros and cons of a conflagration killing the
white tribe immediately or slowly dying like the rest of
Africa - the choice was made by Nelson Mandela who
chose forgiveness, reconciliation and compromise to
save everyone, to recommence politics with the know-
how and technology of their former suppressors - then
Jacob Zuma became the Zulu King, destroying South

Africa to start a new Zulu nation without any help
from the former colonialists: now it's up to the
hard-working middle-class to decide how they will
survive - remember it's a game of pros and cons
as the unconditional-love-approach espoused by
religions does not exist in politics...

[28 December 2014]

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