Tuesday, September 15, 2009

“the War To End All Wars” Comments

Rating: 5.0

“The war to end all wars” they said
And were naively believed
By those who now are honorably dead
Never knowing they were deceived
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Stanley Cooper
Autumn Opie 31 October 2018

Why does it say by Stanley Cooper if Edgar Allen Poe wrote it YEARS ago?

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Jackson McLean 28 September 2020

Edgar Allen poe died 60 years before ww1 (The war to end all wars is a nickname for ww1) , so I ask how could he have written the poem before the war even began?

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Rajnish Manga 01 November 2016

“The war to end all wars” they said The poem is my favourite now. The poet has put across the travesty of claims made by the countries at war with one another. This can serve as a case against war. Thanks, Dear Poet. And were naively believed By those who now are honorably dead

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Paul Warren 11 July 2015

I agree with your thoughts. WW1 cost Australia 60,000 dead out of 400,000 enlisted.

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Guy Lip-more 20 June 2014

Brilliant poem, well said.

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Rubab Atwal 08 January 2014

the peaceful road to better days-a very beautiful poem...

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Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 13 February 2012

The peaceful road to better days Sir, you are right and appreciated and respected.

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G. Murdock 02 November 2009

Great stuff Stan, so true, we perpetuate war through its fanfare and celebration, to the flag waving, the grave marking, pomp and festoonery, the ones who never fight start wars and then hide in plain sight.

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Stanley Cooper

Stanley Cooper

New York City
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