The Space Between The Words Poem by Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black

The Space Between The Words

Rating: 4.4

A Zen moment suspended in space is
the sound of silence and the music of the spheres
non shall capture and hold the golden notes
that sing in all hearts and spirits
because that gift is meant to soar

Poetry's magic is the awe that a thought leaves
or the impression that elevates the mind's eye
but mostly the song of inspiration leaving
its footprints for everyone to follow
to cherish, to share, to give
and to shine as Poetry's star.

Ramesh Rai 20 March 2014

Stars on sky twinkle during nights only but poetry star twinkle days and night.

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Linda Ori 08 June 2009

This makes perfect sense! What I love about a good poem is how it makes me FEEL. How it affects my emotions and my spirit. You explain it so well here, and you didn't have to hit me over the head with it. Just plain and simple. Well done! Linda :)

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Raynette Eitel 06 June 2009

Yes, this is definitely about all that white page that surrounds a poem, Lorraine. Glad you understood the quote in the forum. The mystery of a poem is...well...what makes it a poem and also what makes it soar. Nice work. Raynette

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Emancipation Planz 30 May 2009

Lorraine.. this in particular struck “Poetry's magic is the awe that a thought leaves or the impression that elevates the mind's eye”… and got me tinking about me tree and what each leaves’ thought(s) might be in amongst the spaces of the spongy mesophyll …. and my mind was elevated by each gas exchange that connected to make and gift me the poetic magic of impression… hmmmm… thanks for giving me one of my randomesses… aroha xx

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