The Scarecrow Poem by Ruik Caldorn

The Scarecrow

Unblinking eyes always watching, always searching, never seeing,

Stoic man of straw guards the crops, never jumps and never hops,

Black birds of opportunity seek to doom this friendly community,

Menace of flight prey on corn, the village without will forever mourn,

Absent of straw they would all die, if not for this man who never lies,

He cannot fly, he cannot speak, without his presence the crows havoc would wreak,

His job is thankless, he is not paid, without jest he is portrayed,

He will not quit, he will not sway, the flying apparitions will lose this day,

Though he cannot speak or ever murmur, he watches as the crow gather, ready to murder,

Man of straw ready to fight, every day and every night, he fights for life,

He braces for the end and thinks of his friends,

The black cloud of death draws ever near and the scarecrow never shows fear,

All moments of carnage and chaos must come to an end, even if the Strawman must die for his friends,

For his death he is always ready, blood never pumping, for he's brain-dead already,

To be alive is not bleeding nor breathing, but living with a meaning,

The Strawman's will is strong and true, he will stand tall no matter what they do,

His friends in danger and doomed to die, more time is all he can buy,

Masks of fright they all wear, a fight to the death is never fair, masks of death everywhere,

As death from above comes ever near, all he can do is watch them with a smile and a sneer,

If time for his friends is all he can buy, then today is a good day to die.

I wrote this poem a few months ago. This poem reflects how i feel at times... I am the stoic man of straw.
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