The Sad Ending Of A Love Once True Poem by Theresa Short

The Sad Ending Of A Love Once True

The sad ending of a love once true,
Is how I feel with you,
One little thing and we seem apart,
One little thing that broke my heart,
I dont know how or why this even became like this,
I hope later sometime I can get myself a kiss,
I want you happy again like yesterday,
Even if I have to kill myself today,
I want you happy and not like this,
Because its your smile I miss,
I wish for us to become happy again,
Its my love for you I will forever send,
I know we are meant to be,
even if people dont see it in me,
Its always been in you,
With out you Im depressing and blue,
Please be happy again, and im sorry if it was me,
I just want to be left alone, leave me be,
Only you I want to speak with and that is all,
Still awaiting on your call,
Why does my luck have to always run bad,
Its like Im meant to be sad,
I cant believe it got this way in just one day,
please lsiten to what I have to say,
Im sorry if it was all me,
please people jsut leave me and him be,
Im sorry I truely am,
If you want me to leave I can. </3
Please forgive me I am not the one to lie,
Please forgive me I will only cry,
I need you happy so I can be that too,
Please please be happy for your my boo.

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