The Rossi Posse On Myspace Poem by Ramona Thompson

The Rossi Posse On Myspace

e-mail me if you would like to know more

All you ladies and gentlemen
Fans of the one and only
Fans of the great one himself
Come on and hear me
Calling your names
Shouting them out loud and proud
Asking you one
Asking you all
To come on down and join our extended family
The Rossi Posse on myspace

We are the many
We the proud
Bonding together as one to whole heartly support our main man Lukas
A rocker like no other
Even said by some to be....
The next Freddy Mercury
So sexy
His allure undeniable
How we feel about him
Tonight asking one and all to come worship on their knees beside us
We are....
The Rossi Posse on myspace

Our angel
Heaven sent for the whole wide world to adore
So much in awe
So much in love
We just can't keep it to ourselves any longer
Drowning in these feelings that he inspires
Drowning in the sweet sensation of his eyes
So sexy and inviting all the time
Pulling us in one by one
Never letting up
Never letting go
So won't you come join us now?
The Rossi Posse on myspace

Eager and waiting to welcome you into the fold
Friends and lover with open arms
Aching to hold you
Mixing you into our favorite rock and roll recipe
All for him
All for the music that he makes
Bonding us all forever more to one another
In a endless web of our desire for him
We hold onto the hope that someday, somehow he will notice and love us
As much as we love him
Embracing this newfound dream that he created for us
This newfound hope for a better tomorrow when you join us
You family, friends and fellow Rossi addicts

The Rossi Posse on myspace

Forever yours dearest Lukas fan tonight

Feel free to join us!


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