The River Flows Poem by Kailey Jennings

Kailey Jennings

Kailey Jennings

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Kailey Jennings
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The River Flows

Rating: 5.0

The river flows quiet and swift
It twists and turns as the waters drift
It branches and breaks—its fingers entwine
It grows and grows—snakes like a vine.

The river with the soft scent of a calm day
With the smell of clean—hanging—still—in the grey
And sweetness carried on the breath of morning
It caresses the river—the waters flowing.

The river—crystalline from winter melt
And sweet with the summer soon felt
It tastes of springtime—the season between
And flows the river—so blue and clean.

The river—its lazy trickle of water
The musical rhythm—the ocean’s daughter
It whispers and murmurs—a song of its own
Playing over and over—in continuous drone.

The river—so clear and cool
The water flows—the color like a jewel
Its soft arms embrace the shore
The river surging from the days before.

The river flows quiet and swift
It twists and turns as the waters drift
It branches and breaks—its fingers in twine
It grows and grows—snakes like a vine.

Pooop 30 June 2020

Your voice sucked so much. I would rather die

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage 07 February 2015

It seems as smooth as water per se, flowing very delicately gently till it reaches its destination. Poem will rhyme within the heart for some time. Very sweet stuff.

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Henna B 20 April 2012

this is sssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good do u no that the one that says the river so clear and cool i have the same every word

2 0 Reply
Henna B 20 April 2012

this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good i have the exact same words as the one that says the river so clear and cool ect

1 1 Reply

ooohhh, i love this poem... it's goimg to my fav.

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Kailey Jennings

Kailey Jennings

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Kailey Jennings
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