The Ride Of Life..... Poem by Patricia Gale

The Ride Of Life.....

Rating: 5.0

I could hold you and try with all my might
To kiss away the pain
I could wipe clear all the marks and stains
But would it be right?

To shield you and protect you
Would only place you in a glass house
Then what shall happen when the walls break through?

You must….. You need to feel
The pain and sorrow this world has to bring
For this is what seals the deal
To make you strong so you may grasp the golden ring

Upon this carousel of life
That brings mere mortals such strife
Leaving us stronger for the next go round
When our feet are rested upon that golden ground

Ernestine Northover 04 February 2008

Truth in all its entirety. What a ride! Great read. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Broken Peaces 04 February 2008

Patricia your work never ceases to amaze me, the poem is full of reality the depth of feeling you produce is that of a true poet 10 Chris

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Thad Wilk 04 February 2008

A very capturing poem Patricia! ! A pleasure always to read your writes! ! ! *10*! ! best regards Friend Thad

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 04 February 2008

Some pains, it's true have to be Endured, but not alone if there is heart out there so in tune with yours... Loved the poetic wisdom patricia.. Andy x 10

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Nibedita Deb 04 February 2008

Really inspiring and full of positive energy. Nice read.

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