The Power Of Myth Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

The Power Of Myth

Terrorism is just a myth.
An evil made up Greek
god of the underworld.
This myth is created by
word of mouth and by
words from the media.
It is all to call upon our fears.
Our fear of death and
our fear of chaos.
Jihad at its core is
created to bring forth
revolutionist thought
to Islamic countries.
There are a few Islamic
people who want to see
the Islamic world ruled
by Islamic states of government.
Disregarding our free will
to evolve in a social aspect,
they want to keep their lives
traditional in every way.
The West takes up arms
and occupies people
turning them into prisoners.
They give them shackles to
wear that are invisible but
are still there because they
will only allow democracy
to grow in these occupied lands.
They will only water the gardens
of democracy and stand to watch
the gardens of tradition to turn
brown and die off.
Is this really a bad thing?
You decide because our minds
should always be free to question
and to conjure up its own opinions.
Our minds create gardens of flowers
always in bloom but creating different
colors of thought so thought can flourish.
These myths create definitions that
turn into opinions and hatred.
This hatred sanctions the vile acts
of war that turns fear into a disease
and in fear one cannot think clearly.
We should spread truth and not myths.
The truth is that these populace have their
own thoughts and their own ideas.
Why are they not rendered to flourish?
Our thoughts and ideas created things
that we have grown to enjoy.
Why do they not have this same
luxury as each country in the West
once had to build their societies?
It is the power of myth that has poisoned
our minds and everything that is evil in this world.
We all deserve free will and the choice to do
whatever it is that we want.
We all have our guidelines and morals.
There is no country or culture that is without.

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