The Only Transition Poem by Jiang Haizhou

The Only Transition

"……a suddenly spiritual brightness surpasses the characters
like the night sky breaking through the quilt of dream, and I see a bead of light on a lotus."

On the question of "why is it no result? ", on continual top honeysuckle leaves, life is still
looking for the full stop of the everlasting switching between disaster and new beginning.

But the sea goes back on its word again and again.
The waves,
time and again, keep rising slowly and steeply.
It's too late to open a window, yipe--oh, heart!

The waves are crashed……after the event, only can depend on wood blocks to look back:
as bare meat offering, death is still a swim across without any echoing of it,
and also it's far from knowing the water: void water and undifferentiated water's void,
thereinto, the book bag of the history was cremated in the midway, (what caused that?)
--the emphatically quotative person has already flown away airily since being burned up
(coming into another essential or doom?)
--Oh, turning wings, so like wind……

But, I still can't glimpse at one kind of second without yellow and red minute
(walking in every flower core) likely to already be exception showing, like an Angel
holding a glass bell cover in colorful dust or extravagant meditation: but, does star
see through the crystal pagoda of night--a spiritual dance lightly on Shariputra?
Oh I'm not qualified to match such bright celestial beauty: the magnific responsibility
and enjoyment……but then my words are already free in replying to a shining bird,
at least it's unnecessary to cover your own ears (like pressing the holes of a flute)
when you step across the joyous and intimate crowded road,
and also, along with the patronage of the increasingly closer-getting nebulae,
the pulse in all my blood strengthened the full connection with the mundane,
which surely is a swing of electric current……eventually I privately realize:
the abyss of misery itself that we must transcend (apparently it's the blindly extending
honeysuckle anthotaxy of the everlasting) is a fulfilled immanent road, and the turning earth
in projection is still the only transition for our own wish which we bringing up--

The tribulation that makes my mission qualification the eternal of life: the inevitable cry of the baby
just from overflowed hematic basin!

May 2,1992

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