The Neighbor Poem by Mark Spencer

The Neighbor

A boy had fallen in a well,
His mother heard his cries.
A neighbor heard her call for help,
"Save him before he dies."

Her neighbor was a mighty man,
Who once served in Iraq.
A soldier with the strength and skill,
To bring her baby back.

The neighbor climbed into the well,
And pulled him from that pit,
He gave a mother back her son,
A gift she won't forget.

Her husband came home late that night,
And he was drunk again.
She told him what the neighbor did,
This put him in a spin.

He grabbed her shoulders viciously,
Then angrily, he shook.
He said: "Can't you see he's colored? "
She said: "I didn't look."

"Should I have left my son to die?
Would you prefer that fate?
Should I sacrifice my baby,
To satisfy your hate? "

No soul is born with prejudice,
That's something we were taught.
It's a Dark Age inheritance,
A viral form of thought.

And so the ways of those, long dead,
Turn living hearts to stone.
Shaping the minds of those without
Opinions of their own.

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