The Maze Poem by shawn bhardwaj

The Maze

Why do I feel it necessary to help you out of this maze
When I mention the idea its as if your mind is clouded with a haze
I see no intention to work towards prevention of the slavery that will arise in your days
And so I realized im trying to help you escape the pain but you've become numb to the blaze
Ignorance the issue, but priority lies in wondering who it is that will diss you, miss you and kiss you
Mind surrounded by unnecessary games whether it be the typical politics money or fame
The focus on the self quite lost in a dead end, fear overcomes your ability to seek greater light and be a being of freedom
Now my personal question is if this confusion is worth my time
Because I know youll see my disappearance as a crime
I am sure your attachment is of my physical self, and possibly the minor connection of truth which you can feel to be higher wealth
But I must move on, and trek past these ideas of the elementary
My concerns lie above what you have seen throughout the centuries
The imagination and dreams devour my care for you as a temporary
My love will always remain, however I am sick of seeing this confusion of which you complain
They say you should live and let live, except justification is always made to that of which seems to be misunderstood, words that have always been said but significance lies only within the holder of the pen
I really don't know who I am or what I mean, using life as my drive to experience the answers of my being

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