The Lady Poem by Martin King

The Lady

What new and fresh born day couldst turn the eye
Of those that hath borne witness to and seen
The wondrous golden light that shines within thy
Breast, the vital living beauty that is thee?

What spring morn song of lovelorn nightingale
Couldst have the mark of ears that have oft heard
The music from thy throat that dost regale
Thy heartfelt love with ev'ry second shared?

What sword in truth by man hast e'er been cast
Whose edge is half as keen as thy sharp mind?
That hath in it one part the strength thee hast?
Search the world and not one shalt thee find.

And show me what heart hath in it such love
As brims thy heart so full as fit to breach
And yet such pain it feels, pain far above.
Thy succour I wouldst be I thee beseech.

What white and fragrant rose hath e'er been grown
Whose scent and purity couldst outshine thine
In all thy humble splendour? Thee hast sown
Oak seeds of love here in this heart of mine
That hath become as mighty trees, grown tall
And strong enough to thrive and never fall.

Sunday, March 30, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Love
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