The Growth Poem by Leslie Alexis

The Growth

I felt his icy death squeezing on my shoulders;
I am retrained - ensnared under his boulders.
My spine jerked as he pushed in the poison needles;
And I felt the curse of many dying peoples

Seeping into me, becoming my wearied screams,
As he infested my brittle bones and bloodstream;
And Laid his evil foundations and planting mines,
which ‘Tick ‘… ‘tock’… counting to the end of my time.

My units of controls he quickly overrides;
Crossing their borders by many gluttonous bribes;
Mimicking the masses; making them phantom ghosts;
Then standing proud as in his dominance he boasts.

Soon all my helpful neighbors are pushed out of work;
And I die…? ... Because of this brute and selfish jerk!
I try cutting him out, but he picks up and moves.
He’s a strong one, and that he adamantly proves.

He claims the victory, thinking this fight he wins,
Not knowing I’m a survivor; – I won’t give in!
Yes, doctoring did not work; it’s my end they say.
But, I prayed believing the curse to go away;

And where there is life there’s hope; In God’s book, I read;
And you know the last time I checked, I was not dead!
If you wonder why there’re always smiles on my face;
It’s because I know Heaven’s a beautiful place.

And if I would die, I know it’s God’s will for me;
So Cancer, in the end, Christ has the victory.
And either in life or death, I’ll soon be pain free!
See, you may think you do, but you don't control me!

Copyright © 2009 Leslie Alexis

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