The Fire That Burns On Thy Soul. Poem by Redeemer Nephilim

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Redeemer Nephilim

Redeemer Nephilim

“It’s better to believe in love and lose nothing then “NOT” believe in love and lose everything”
Redeemer Nephilim
“It’s better to believe in love and lose nothing then “NOT” believe in love and lose everything”
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The Fire That Burns On Thy Soul.

I see no more pain among thy sweet heart.
I see the beauty of how sweet thy sky is tonight.
I seek the line of truth in our love and found only the softest touch of your warmth, as the fire that burns on thy soul for you’re the seeking of this truth is only to have the one girl I am truly proud of to call you mine.
As for when I kiss you I close my eyes every time.
As for when I’m with my friends I see nothing in front nor behind me for you are what I need in this life and the next.
For I only ask to have you as mine forever, as I would only ask if you would be mine in thy name of our god from above.
I speak the truth when I say so in this, but because of this, I’m falling even faster for you.
For the one girl that will stick by me at even death I know I’m truly blessed in thy name of lord, as my rightful father I attend to spend thy time among of our lives for the rest of lives.
I only ask I see how my life has shown me how great my father can be for me.
As I come to realize he sent me you, which saved me from the lake of fire, and the hands of evil.
For this, you’re My Angel! Thrust in thy faith my love for you will not perish from my heart for the reason alone I'm here for you and only for thee thy in your arms remained so....

By: Kyle Adrian Carlock Neal



A very wonderful write, that signifies a role of a heart on the broader love, it steers on the exact boundries of romance, filled with much emotions, Iove this work of yours, kindly worth reading, Write More The_African_Son

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Redeemer Nephilim

Redeemer Nephilim

“It’s better to believe in love and lose nothing then “NOT” believe in love and lose everything”
Redeemer Nephilim
“It’s better to believe in love and lose nothing then “NOT” believe in love and lose everything”
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