The Fashion Of Things Poem by Arno Le Roux

The Fashion Of Things

'The Fashion Of Things'

Going down foggy roads of memory lane where candle visits still welcome
To houses where older lovers grey and teary still page yellow photo albums
Be still, listen to how lovely those creaky voices Bible verses memorised
Interesting, like skipping ropes, summer to winter and wise old autumn's forum missed?

When each generation's shovel of dirt covers the wisdom and put a stone
We live in colder paperless place almost just now some cash left to burn
Start with candles soon I'm sure, deep conversations right to the bone
Over there like memory lane were lessons of unity and trust to earn

I'm confident that as things run slowly out we will miss time the most
Sure we won't recall from discs the warmth of files we hurredly saved
It won't be long the way it's advertised on air and news-stand post
Won't be long until we long again for those days as money slaves

Be sleeping less, plan for the mornings the sun will forget to rise
Long time since we hugged a book for to escape and entertain
Any news on winter dark with photo albums and candles climatise?
More news yes? Yes. Every day, if you read the missing ink that stain...

Arno Le Roux 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: apocalypse
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