The Evolution Of Music In Our Souls Poem by Jim Yerman

The Evolution Of Music In Our Souls

Rating: 5.0

Listening to music, like the Grammy's, I'm always amazed at the power of a melody…
how it can make you smile…cry…or fall in love…how it can create a memory.

How we silently listen to some songs as if we're in a trance…
while other songs lift us off our feet and make us want to dance.

I imagine there's a special time in our life…I'm not sure when or where it starts…
when certain music…a certain song…imprints itself upon our heart.

Within our souls it drifts…until it finds a comfortable place…
Its notes indelibly written on the lines across our face.

A time when that music…that song filled a space and made us whole…
I suppose that's why we have an affinity…a love…for the first music that ever reached our soul.

I suppose that's why, as we get older, we crave the music from before…
and why you hear some old folks saying, "They don't make music like that anymore! "

Still…we try to listen to the new music…the young musicians…the newest bands…
even though we do not recognize who's singing…and most words we cannot understand.

But every now and then a new song…a new singer comes along…we don't know when or where it starts…but that new song they are singing imprints itself upon our heart.

Within our soul that music…that song…finds its own unique and comfortable place…
and its notes become indelibly written on the lines across our face.

Perhaps that's why, as we get older, we have more wrinkles…more lines across our face….for the new notes to be written…as new songs …ind within our souls…
their own unique and comfortable place.


Very nice, Jim. Music makes our lives much better.

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