The Death Of A Son And A Birth Of A New Daughter. Poem by Olwethu Mandindi

The Death Of A Son And A Birth Of A New Daughter.

The only thing that I regurgitated was confusion when I had to think about it,
Killing their son and in birth a creature of no familiar to mankind.

Not only this is unfair to them but to the Real me, to that inner voice that never abandons me, but ma emotions are a bundle that has been abandoned, since my motives are to take away the soul of a child a mother has given life to.

I socialize and try to quench my desire for love that the Christianity forbids in any direction, push, strike and killing all the sets of mind that give toxic to the minds that lives the Christ who love selflessly. Do I love myself enough?

I think about levictus 20: 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: I don't care much

Its a battle between two both living within me, a devil and an angel_ are they both from heaven,
Being put to death and my blood upon me is no pain no shame at all as I already feel DEAD, am I being tested because I can never testify if I'm a walking corpse.

Said to James that My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations, but what joy do I count in my life_ for the pain of living Half has blinded me to see the beauty of Eden, the joys of the Earth the flowers that blossoms in Spring the white snow that falls during the winter cold.

For I stay with my poems and burdens, sins, bible study, sunday church services and everything that goes between....Hoping that maybe the summer rains will give me the cleanse I missed when I was baptized by the water and the Holy Spirit.

For those two words 'I am' can kill their son and their friend, giving birth to a new me_ am I acceptable?

Olwethu Mandindi

Olwethu Mandindi

Johannesburg south Africa
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