The Case Of The Missing Axe (Devotion To Itai Dzamara An Activist That Was Abducted In 2015, Still Yet To Return) Poem by wes mbanje

The Case Of The Missing Axe (Devotion To Itai Dzamara An Activist That Was Abducted In 2015, Still Yet To Return)

Itai Dzamara,
Let your silence Unslience the absence of your colossal heart,
Let your silence burn out loud,
Let your silence explode with aspirations,
Let you silence be the noise that signifies your return,
Let your silence twist and turn the contours of a lost generation that has inherited the Wounds of a corrupt system,
Let your silence subscribe to the why's and how's you were misplaced by premeditated hands and faces to were the fear of God doesn't trespass
Nor were the providence of life doesn't articulate nor intervene
Let your silence speak of how politicians love politics more then they love people
Let your silence chisel out how politicians care more about votes And careless about how their negligence has consequences
And how their decisions have grave impacts on real lives far beyond seing people just as votes,
Let your Silence be seen in how politics is unforgiving to critics
Yet the inevitable logics is always to criticise the fire that bares more smoke then it has flames,
Let your silence Tell your story
Let it nourish the details of your absence
Let it expose the lumps, aches and pains Your spouse has borrowed
Let it parade the dents that cherish the memories of childhood dislocated from the firm limbs Of a father's roles and habits
Let your silence wander like a restless wind in search of tidy cure that unties the burdens of unapologetic confessions, eloquently reluctant to amuse the assumptions of your return

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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