The Caged Parrot Poem by lalitha iyer

The Caged Parrot

Rating: 5.0

all alone
she is sad
in the caged bed

it is raining
mating birds are flying
high up in the sky
their lovely plumes
competing with grooms

the caged bird
fed well
her calling urges
kills her days
all night hours
she sleeps in fatigue

day goes by
pecking on all sundries
but when the dusk enters
and twilight flutters
when every soul on earth
longs for company and hearth
when sadness covers
all earth with darkness
when the urge to mate
kindles every born soul

the poor bird
could only wish
for greener nests
and gayer mates
it is heartening
to hear it woo
mindless parrots
flying high up
far off they flash
in the eternal blues
lovely plumed
their energies zoomed
the aching heart
it grieves and grieves
till it could call
it in full volume utters
its need for company
well hormoned
weary hearted
caged hearted men
breed caged birds
brutal people
senseless couples...............................

Vijay Menon 06 July 2009

best words liked it very much 10+++

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Chhavi Anupam 06 July 2009

what sensitivity, what empathy, what agony, and what compassion. Lalitha you have floored me. Chhavi Anupam

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Sandra Martyres 06 July 2009

The caged parrot says a lot about the number of caged people who live around us...the last four lines are particularly disturbing...great write Lalitha..10 ofcourse

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