The Bleeding Universe Poem by obinna tochi

The Bleeding Universe

The universe:
Arise you dwellers of the crying mountain!
Arise you children of the wild cave!
Arise! Oh arise!
For the birth of the birth of anew…

Listen! You children of the crying desert,
Harken! You chicken of this mushroom,
Harken! I say -
To the hush voices of the wind,
To the roll call of the mountain,
To the waning voice of Mother Earth -
For filled she is with the blood of the hungry soul!
Tired she is with the tears of the dying lands…
Oh! Thou great elephant,
To the voices of the dying trees!
To the voices of the wilting planes!
For shall you continue to be blinded by the eyes of your very selfish gain?

How long shall these planes perish?
How long shall the mountains wallow in the dark?
How long shall the forest cry for the blood of her murdered children?
How long?
How long shall the blind be blind?
How long shall the wicked be wicked?
For I handed this ball to you,
You let them wander into the lost past!
You let them covered by your selfish shadow!
How long?
For how long?

The messenger:
For shall we continue to repeat the dance steps of the past?
For who shall unlearn us our foolishness?
For the world is tired of the ignorant desert brothers!

The universe:
We the judges of this dance are tired by her cold windy dance!

The messenger:
Have mercy savior and send us a beast for burden,
For we are utterly tired of their wicked ways.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: lamentation
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