The Beauty Of Wild Things Poem by Monica Dayson

The Beauty Of Wild Things

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I amble along slowly
Through the abandoned estate
The land remote, the gardens overgrown
A statue in a fountain, the water
Long dried up, the stone chipping away
The statue, a child holding a pitcher
Once colored, the paint now faded and cracked
Forgotten within the long since abandoned home
Remnants of a bench sit beside the fountain
Peeling paint, rough boards bleached by the sun,
rusting iron legs, no longer steady
The beauty was once there
But now has been washed away
By sun, rain, snow, and ice
All the writings of lovers
Or lonely, lovesick people
All its secrets faded.

Moving on, I see
What was once a lovely courtyard
But now all exterior beauty gone,
It has no value left to the ones who once lived here
But I see it all, everything
It has a beauty of its own
Like something surreal
A secret garden with a wild beauty
Its existence is a miracle in itself
The way the flowers push through the cracks
Longing for fresh air, sunlight, and cool rain water
The way the ivy climbs
Up the crumbling brick walls
Twining like thick, leafy snakes, looking for a way out
And in the center of it all
A cherry tree in full blossom
Petals falling to the ground like snow
The trunk is twisted with knots and swirls of bark
Uneven, rough, untamed.
But still the tree is blooming, proud of its existence
In a place where all have forgotten
The beauty of wild things.

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