The 14+h Station Of +he Cross { In Honour & Observation Of The Passion & Death Of The Christ } Poem by Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr

The 14+h Station Of +he Cross { In Honour & Observation Of The Passion & Death Of The Christ }

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And, when they reached the apex of 'The Hill',
the one they called, Calvary, or 'The Skull',
there was suddened grey silence........................... -
from the shouting, grappling and steel chaos
that had followed The Man
and His shouldered Cross,
from Pilate's galley, thru Golgatha,
past the crowds of blind aspersion,
betrayed by a man who swore allegiance
at the gates of Gethsemane,
wounds of betrayal, for thirty white coins
must have seared the Soul of His Sacred Heart.

_____________ I I ______________
________CRIME & PENALTY________

And between two criminals of Ceasars Rome
He would hang by rope and six inch nails,
be mocked by ignorance and fear.
The other two, thieves is all,
would die as well,
tied by rope, coarse and taut,
wood raised high...
and man-slammed into cold moist earth
for Death and crows to find them.

____________ I I I __________

But the Man these cowards hated most
would be dealt the harshest Death of all.
And, though rope be used to still His limbs
from the quaver of the sojourn to the Hill
thick, darted nails, seven inches long in length
would be hammered deep through nerves
and brittle, rattled bones
within the purpled, swollen flesh
of His hands and feet.

*['Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit']... Luke: 23: 46

And He hung in fixed silence,
awaiting the moment
to declare to His Father
that His 'Will Be Done'...and
to cry-out to All Heaven:

.......'IT IS FINISHED'!

Thus, Jesus Christ was delivered from His Cross longer Mortal Man.

......And Heaven Wept mightily... by Wind and Flood.

_______________ IV ______________

Mary, His Mother, John The Apostle,
Mary Magdeline and their good friend, Joseph
of Aramathea gently, slowly, brought Jesus down
from 'The Wood'.
So careful were they, so careful,
so as not to break His still, fragile bones.
They wrapped Him in fresh linen...white-
that bled wet through the linen, like rivers,
and carried Him to a place where one day
months earlier he had preached to many
of the same who watched Him Crucified!
And there, they found a vacant tomb,
and within the tomb a empty crypt.
And there The Lord Jesus Christ
would sleep by Angels watch.

Thus, the 14th and final Station
of the Passion and Death
of The Lord, Jesus Christ......

had been 'Finished'.

____________AFTERMATH_____ ______

And, thus seals the Procession of The Stations of
The Cross. The symbolic, 'Final Station', sleeps
in the tombs of St Peter's Basilica, in Vatican City,
Rome, in an artistic, ossified sate, architected by
the sculptor, Michaelangelo, who perfectionately
depicted a Mother's most inconsoleable 'Grief'
The death of her Child. And many are they who
still sojourn far to pay homage adoration, respect,
on this Darkest Holy Day Christianity will ever know...
...............................Every Year..............................
.............................On Good Friday........................
...........At The Church of the Holy Sepulchre............
...............................In Jerusalem............................
...............................By Candlelight..........................
.........................Some Still Walk The Path................
.................................With Passion...........................

+..........'Jesu Es Colocado En El Sepelchro'.............+

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____Frank James Ryan, Jr. / FjR ____
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©Frank J. Ryan, Jr./MMXVI
- All Rights Reserved _

Friday, April 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: cross,good friday,holy,jesus,passion,sacrifice,sadness,suffering
Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr

Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr

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