Thanksgiving Poem by FLORINA MARO


We have so much to be thankful each and every day
Thank God for always leading the way
People forget what really matters the most
So easy to get distracted and take our eyes off the holy ghost
There is so much joy to be had
It's a state of mind
Please remember to have faith and be kind
Life is truly too short to be unsure of your purpose
We are meant to love one another no matter who, what or where we come from
God did not divide his love just for some
Judgement is not ours to bestow
Rather to be accepting and tolerant of each other
God gave us free will so that we may decide for ourselves our fate
We need each other asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a human trait
I am grateful for all the people in my life that touch my heart
Truly it is a gift not to be taken for granted
So remember not to ignore and appreciate every moment or else it will seem tainted
Life is as good as you make it
So live your life to the fullest and embrace all around you
I wish peace, love and above all faith that together we can be a world of loving people who accept each other's differences as what makes each and everyone of us unique.
It was written that we are made in God's image
That to me means we are all worthy of love
God bless us all!

Monday, November 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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