Thank You And Take Care... Poem by Denis Martindale

Thank You And Take Care...

For every good work on this Earth that kind folks ever do,
Let us esteem each one has worth and kindly say, "Thank you! "
And let us bid each person well and kindly say, "Take care! "
For each does more than buy or sell, if kindness they can share.

For life is love... and love is life... A kind word says so much.
It overcomes each pain and strife just like a gentle touch.
A soft caress upon the heart. A lilting lullaby.
Like memories that play their part and nestle here, close by.

"Take care! " sounds like a spoken prayer that helps each one stay safe.
Alerting us to stay aware, yet steadfast in our faith.
Such that we strive towards the best that life may hold in store.
For what could prove a finer quest when God grants more and more?

We know the sunshine and the rain. We know the day and night.
We know the seasons change again. We know when things are right.
We know that love is pure and good. The greatest blessing known.
It helps us do the things we should when kindnesses are shown.

What new blessings may come through you? What new smiles may you bring?
A million more or just a few? Perhaps you're wondering.
Are there professors? Mentors? Guides? Songwriters and poets? Yes!
They're our teachers and more besides to teach us all kindness.

Denis Martindale. July 2020.

Thank You And Take Care...
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: blessings,friendship,god,kindness,love,thank you
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