Tell My Tale Poem by John Chizoba Vincent

Tell My Tale

Jumbo eyes eyeing the thundering tears
Under the bridge of illusion was it made
Unlimited limitation driving guts of guilt
I have been here before and my tales told
By guilty men that once hurt me scornfully.

I have been here without legs of dreams
But the lyrics of my dreams was written
My tears drawn down the sky limit of fear
They have told my tales of rejection over there
When mothers abandoned their children at war.

In the bagged music they picked up my joy
I have been among their armies of thought
I have driven their emotions and feelings
I knew them before they knew themselves
Did to them what love could not do yet I was robbed.

Tell my tale in the sounds of silence
How my last breathe was taken away,
A deceitful kiss planted on my cheek
To mare my tomorrow and today's joy.
Tell my tale of rejection among their youths.

Here I will be until the sun changes it cruelty
Just to tell of a tale written in the darkness
Silence, though empty but it has lots of meaning
Tilting and paning towards where men hated
I have been hated in a hate-ful land of tears.

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