John Chizoba Vincent

John Chizoba Vincent Poems

Dreams will come and go
But i remain right beside you.
I will be around you forever.
Let the world stop turning,

The westerners eat Amala and Ewedu
We eat Akpo and Ofe Nsala
They dance Juju and Apala
We dance bongo and atilogwu the beat of life.

To this brokeness of women, the world flopped and flipped out.
How life flawed and tampered the ice of the girlchild!
How green became red images to their eyes is still a misery to our flammable fable eyes:
of happiness gallopping towards sorrow,

No sweat no sweet
No sweat no sweet,
That is how the song goes.
Waking up all the lazy hands

When a man fall
Trouble begins.
A divided home is created.
Respect and honour hasten out of the door

Like a thunder bolt
The words exploded in her head
She was confused in the noon
History deserted into noun and verbs

Give them the lie
The white lie
Let them do the senseless Dance
Depraved men they are

When I was in America
I received an Envelop with my mother's stamp on it.
I saw the red ink boiling on the surface of the book.
I torn it open and watched the words in anger!


When our past came calling,
They told us the story of our past

The last time i saw her
Was in my bedroom as a heir
The last time we spoke
Was in my heart with a poke

Look at the way he walks
With a torn tattered cloth and broken spirit.
His soul weeps all day long as he
Watches keenly how lizards and rats feast merrily in his house

I believe in the look in your eyes,
I believe in your love and care.
I believe the signal of your eyelids
Because its direct my foot steps

mother said the best place to laugh is in the graveyard and mortuary.
father told us the better place to cry is in the church,
but, I've learnt that the white place for all these is within you!
because, it gives you a grey freedom,

what about the boys in Pakistan's war front?
what about those boys in Iran battlefield, those boys learning how to pull the trigger with a warning fingers on the crossroad of Iraq & Afghanistan?
what about those boys raped in the street of Nigeria?
those boys in the act of loneliness in the army, what about them?

this is the house we were made.
a house papa and mama's colors joined together.
we have the map of this building in our palms,
we could not allow it to exile us like the tortoise

One day, I will write many words that
Shall not be uttered by many men but
Those in the tribe of poetry and painters.
My dance shall be flowered with words

Who is praying for our sick mother?
Let's stop casting blame on the giant
cock that crows before the waking dawn.
Our mother is sick and needs our prayers,

In your blood we are birth,
In you we shall die like sons,
When the wind shall call of
A global village; you'll stand.

My mother is not at home
Push me not to the corner,
Take not my golden flower
Its for my husband to behold.

i want to be remembered for justice and peace
like the humble sons of the land, Gani Fawehinmi
And ken saro wewi; who stood against all odds to deliver those who were captive and the voiceless.
But so sad that those they fought for had returned to drink from the cup of corruption and lost their senses of belonging.

John Chizoba Vincent Biography

John Chizoba Vincent (JC Vincent) is a Nigerian filmmaker, Music Video Director, Cinematographer, and Commercial director.. Born and raised in Aba, Abia state, Nigeria. He had his education in Aba and Lagos, respectively. He has thrice been shortlisted {2017,2018 and 2019} by EGC as one of the Poets who rocks Nigeria. Also, in 2018, BN Blogs nominated him as one of the top five young Nigerian Poets to watch out from Nigeria. In July 2019, his poem was shortlisted on the top 10 finalist for Brigitte Poirson poetry Contest. His short film DISTRACTED was selected in a film festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2020, two spoken Word videos he directed: To the girl I love by Seventy-eighth Psalmist and Iyami Osoronga by Gemini Aremo Balogun - won the PoetGist videos of the year in first and second positions respectively. He was among the top 10 filmmakers and top five video director in 2020,2021 and 2022 alongside Meji Alabi, NayaEffect, TG Omori, Director K and others on the BlackPride magazine award. John Chizoba Vincent is the chief Editor of Boys Are Not Stones Initiative. An organization whose major aim is to advocate for the rights of the BoyChild worldwide. He is the CEO and founder of Philmant Universal Inc which houses Philm Republic Pictures, a sister Company, Philmax Books, AfroVisual Review and Philmant Tv. He is also the photography editor for Libretto Magazine. His writings have appeared in Libretto Magazine, Word Rhythm and Rhymes, MyAceWorld, Inner child Press, Kalahari Review, Tush stories, Tuck magazine, PoemifyPublishers, AfricanWriters, Opinion Nigeria, Premium Times, Poetry Soup, Poem hunter, Voice net, Hello Poetry, Board Speck, NgigaReview, Nanty Green and many others. His poems and fictions have appeared in anthologies home and abroad including 84 Delicious Bottles of Wine for Wole Soyinka at 84 edited by Onyeka Nwelue and Odega Shawa, Wreaths for a Wayfarer for Pius Adesanmi edited by Nduka Otiono and Uche Umerurike and Arrow of Words for Chinua Achebe edited by Izunna Okafor for Young Nigerian Writers Society. He is the Author of Hard Times, Good Mama, Letter from Home, and For Boys of Tomorrow. John Chizoba Vincent lives in Lagos.)

The Best Poem Of John Chizoba Vincent

I Want To Grow Old With You

Dreams will come and go
But i remain right beside you.
I will be around you forever.
Let the world stop turning,
Let the air stop its journey to the west
And let the sun stop burning,
Let them tell me if love is not
worth going through in this side of the world.

The dreams that mattered so much to me
In this world is i was loved by you.
If the world fall apart on you
I will be there for you.
Never gone never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close every day every seconds
I know how much you means to me
But it hurt so much when you are not there with me.

Each time we spend together
Make our love grow stronger
I will love you till the end
I will be your true friend, your hero.
To show you how much you mean to me.

I want to grow old with you
DIe in your arms.
I want to look into your eyes
Climb the mountains with you
Sharing in every thing you do.
Your emotions, feelings and tears,
Caress your hair and body
Hold walking stick with you, The wrinkle
We share together.

In pains and love,
I want to grow old with you
Walk through the patient roads
In the shadows of death and tribulations.
Mounted in between striving spirit and hopes.
Our body lied together when the inevitable comes
I wanna grow old with you
For better for worse
In the other phase of life after death.

John Chizoba Vincent Comments

Marieta Maglas 24 October 2016

As John Keats, John Chizoba Vincent uses the concept of negative capability in a beautiful manner. His ideas are very intelligently expressed.

1 0 Reply
Richard Beevor 02 May 2014

such a sad but beautiful poem John, you have a great art in you

4 1 Reply
Richard Beevor 02 May 2014

another 10 out of 10, no complaining here

4 0 Reply
Richard Beevor 02 May 2014

an excellent poem John, very strong wording with much meaning 10 out of 10

3 1 Reply

John Chizoba Vincent Quotes

I have been busy building My brand.

before you quit think about where you started

Speak and don't be dumb, you gain nothing from been dumb, talk and let them criticise you. I think you gain a lot from there

' See not, look not even when they smile, some smiles are not right from mouth'

'Dream when you have to and sleep comfortly'

'Try to understand your life before others will understand you''

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