Tell Me Why Poem by Atasha Williams

Tell Me Why

Rating: 5.0

Somebody please, somebody please tell me why,
Some live a hurtful life to just die,
Look at the poor people cry,
While the rich and famous jus fly,
Up high, to the sky,
Tell me why….
Politicians have to lie,
Drain the treasury dry,
Others struggling everyday jus to get by,
I try, not to pry
So I jus get high…

Somebody please somebody please explain,
Why people does play with other people brain,
Make u go totally insane,
Too much of pain.
No shelter from the rain,
Everything is lost, you now try to gain,
Back the trust, yourself you have to train.
Instead of being vain,
I cruise on the high lane…

Tell me why life is so unfair,
Somebody somewhere,
Don't care,
When a mother sheds a tear
Police always in high gear
Pain the poor have to bear
Why do we all have to live in fear?
Every single day of the year
Fake smiles we have to wear
Cause a true friend is so rare

Tell me when would it have an evolution,
In this sad nation,
Can't help but feel the depression,
When you are in the situation.
Life doesn't always go with your expectation,
Disappointment is part of life's education.
That is what tests our limitation
We turn for comfort from remuneration
To find some compensation an justification
For our condition and position.
In this Armageddon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: question
Trinidad and Tobago
Anita Khelawan 17 February 2016

Life doesn't always go with your expectation, Disappointment is part of life's education... cool lines :) ... keep writing

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Atasha Williams 18 February 2016

Thank you. :)

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 24 February 2016

all your doubts are true if you continue only then in God's existence will you believe and only he will live just believe we all want immortality you, God and me... three first will be HE then you maybe later me another guy also asked me so this do read colour red is lovers have said worldly dangerous till one is dead or inside rear seats bled what is your take professing red... have you not yet wed kid!

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Tom Allport 19 May 2017

a poem of many questions of the world in which we now live? ................superbly written.

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Cmack Estevez 06 April 2016

Wow this incredible

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Atasha Williams 06 April 2016

Thank you love

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Juan Olivarez 01 March 2016

Your words carry the torch of truth. well done.

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Atasha Williams 06 April 2016

thank u darlin

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Dr Antony Theodore 26 February 2016

oliticians have to lie, Drain the treasury dry, Others struggling everyday jus to get by, I try, not to pry So I jus get high… Tell me why is it so in the world. why is it so unfair....... you are raising a great question. it is our duty as poets and writers to raise the voice against all injustices in the world. thank you for this poem of justice. tony

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Edward Kofi Louis 26 February 2016

Life is unfair at times. Nice piece of work.

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Atasha Williams

Atasha Williams

Trinidad and Tobago
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