Teachers Teach Us A Lot! Poem by Denis Martindale

Teachers Teach Us A Lot!

Since time began, God had a plan, that teachers must exist
And that's the reason each helps Man, not merely to persist.
Don't just assume you know it all as every year spins by
And see life as a miracle and keep on asking, "Why? "
For in that question Man learns more than he has ever known.
Not knowing now makes Man explore beyond the Unknown Zone.
Outstanding teachers make us laugh, they also make us smile.
Of course, they guide us on the path to knowledge... yet with style.
Regard the teachers who show grace, authority and care.
In all the School terms of School days, they help each child prepare.
Should we ignore the teachers' skills for subjects old and new?
As so much wisdom each instils when precious truths get through.
Deny great opportunities and soon they fade to nought.
Accept and wonders never cease and make us pause for thought.
For all advances made by Man commenced when first in School,
Not doing silly things we can, as if to play the fool.
Of all the blessings to reflect, each teacher played their part.
Of all the moments to inspect, think hard and then act smart.
Respect means more than thanks they get when teachers help us out.
It's gratitude for those we met... who taught what life's about...

Denis Martindale. July 2020.

Teachers Teach Us A Lot!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: blessings,children,god,learning,respect,school days,thank you,wisdom
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