Take Me Slowly Poem by Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

Take Me Slowly

Come with me my hero
Make me a woman tonight
Lie with me my dearest
Under the glowing moonlight
Let not my bed stay empty
Come with me and arouse my city

Caress me with your manly warmth
Till you and I shall share one breath
I fell for your love and endless charm
Let me fall once more in your strong arms

Dominate me with your being
Let your lips cling to mine
Have a feel of my body
A tour on my hips so fine

Share tonight with me o handsome
Make it our sweet night of passion
Touch me my chosen one
With every strength of your emotion
Every step with you leads me to paradise
I see the love I seek, I see it in your eyes

Rest your head upon the pillows of my chest
Come be my only, come be my first
My guards are spread apart
My moist skin calleth
O make me feel such pleasure
I have never for once felt
Take me, take me my darling
Take me like an expensive brandy
Take me with respect
Yes! take me slowly

Thursday, June 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love,romance
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