Such A Beautiful Sight Poem by Roland Houston

Such A Beautiful Sight

A fox and a wolf,
A wolf and a fox,
A sure to be volatile concoction of love,
But some may ask, how can this be?
It shouldn't matter how different the two may be,
They both love each other,
That's all that matters to me.
Such a strong love,
One that has stonger yet to be.
They laugh together, play together,
Looking out for each other,
So nothing will ever split them apart.
They hold each others paws,
Looking into their lovers eyes.
A slight quiver of the lips,
and they both say,
I will love you forever,
forever my mate will you stay.
As I watch, a magical thing comes to pass,
They pull each other close,
Sharing a kiss, the likes of one I've never seen.
What a beautiful sight,
The most beautiful that I've ever seen.
They both glow under the moonlight,
Shining ever so bright.
As they seperate, I notice one more thing,
The two lovers smiling, it's plain to see,
They pull each other close once more,
Holding one another as If they were precious gifts.
I smile, wiping a tear from my eye,
Jotting down a title, such a beautiful sight.

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