Study Or Staring Poem by Andrus Cassian

Study Or Staring

This possessing force...what is it
Should I remain afraid or bow down to its embrace
What has a forceful grip on the muscles controlling
the direction of my eyes
Would it be written as wrong to study a person's face
or would it be deemed as staring
and would it be deemed illegal by the recipient
But am I really staring, staring into an unknown world
It's only an intuition, a motive to gain knowledge of the unknown
The name doesn't really match the face, absence sits in the space
yet the owner of those alluring, mysterious eyes
linger within the passageways of my mind
Intellectually persistently I’m failing, plain and simple
The priorities are irrelevant, well at least for now
The focus is on vacation and trance has settled as a replacement
resting upon matching drawings of a single, wandering eye
Construct upon desks, upon paper, upon the figments of pure imagination
Her concept, puzzling; has it serenaded me into the Bermuda Triangle of silence
I feel her hesitation from afar
Is it like feeling her breath upon my neck?
Her eyes, unmentioned, try to peel my skin back piece by piece
to uncover the man I am within, uncover why our eyes create frost
A fascination, it seems I bought it from her
Being the subtle one was never a quality of mine
I'm more exposed than a maple leaf caught in an Autumn breeze
Her presence is calling, resembling a state of bewilderment
Provoking myself to watch the scene like something from a movie screen Curiosity and wonderment put up an encrypted fence
a design to derail and suffocate me, leaving me breathless
Well mission completed, I'm left speechless

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