Strange Fragrance Of Withered Flowers! Poem by nimal dunuhinga

Strange Fragrance Of Withered Flowers!

Hibiscus syriacus is the national flower of South Korea!
Dear Kim, I try to bring you that flower?

Summer breeze dragged me to a Korean burial grounds here
And it's really a living Paradise on Earth!
The beautiful tombs greeted me with a familiar smile.
The flowery characteristic letters on tombs I cannot read
That resembles the Japanese Hiragana?
I was very anxious to see at least a Korean relative lives here
Who could talk with me politely?
I walked further and all of a sudden found a tomb
Letters written in English and he must be a Korean-English scholar
Comitted suicide at his young age?
This was written;
'Hey! My stranger friend did you bring flowers and candles?
If not never mind leisurely we could have a chat.'
I was ashamed and looked around, all are dead souls
Except me only the breathing Corpse?
I took my pencil stub from the hidden pocket and scribbled this;
'When I come here next time I'll fulfill your humble expectations Brother! '
I hear my talkative wallet murmurs;
'Master why did you give broken promises? '
'Hey! My friend Man is a broken soul
And you cannot expect solid gold? '

nimal dunuhinga

nimal dunuhinga

kalubovila East, Sri Lanka
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