Still Standing Poem by Kelly Boutin

Still Standing

Camera, come close
I want this to be remembered always
camera, zoom in
make sure to clean the lens off
this needs to be recorded
this needs to last forever
black and white, would do just fine
but it would look sweeter in color

Now you don't need much film,
one picture will do
but it has to be perfect
this might go in the paper,
this might go in a book
this might be kept forever
in the bottom of a drawer;
a little piece of evidence
no one cares about
no one cares to figure out

Okay camera, are you ready?
Now come close,
Move the brambles, clear away the dead moss
look at this old statue
look closer at it

This statue's been here forever
it was written in the time
this piece of past was someone's future
now look at the statue
doesn't it resemble something?

Yes, there's a statue like this at the park
but it's newer
and it's not covered in moss
oh camera, come take a closer look
might as well get this one too

Oh, look at the statue,
look at its face,
look closely into the cold cold of the stone
this stone has made it cold all these years
this world has broken it beyond repair

Oh camera, look at the statue
look closely, can't you see the tear?

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